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Appel "Hands Off UC" contre la remise en cause de l’Université publique de Californie

samedi 29 août 2009, par Elie

For over 140 years, the has flourished as a leading institution of higher
learning, graduating more than 1.6 million students, fostering the
cutting-edge research of 55 Nobel Prize winners, and providing immense
academic, health, scientific, and economic benefits to California and our

From the very beginning, the University of California has always had a
special place in the state’s constitution, providing our beloved
institution with the autonomy we need to innovate and explore, while
remaining accountable to the people of California.
But now that autonomy - and UC’s world-renowned record of academic success is at risk. The California Legislature is considering two constitutional
amendments, SCA 21 and ACA 24, that have been filed in the California State
Senate and Assembly, respectively, that eliminate the autonomy of the UC
Board of Regents and put the UC system under direct legislative control.
Please click here to sign an online petition at our new website, - and join me in opposing this misguided take-over of UC !

For over 140 years, the current system of governance has served UC, its
faculty, its graduates, and all Californians well. The University of
California has an unparalleled record of success. Why should we put that at
risk with an unproven, untested, undefined take-over by our Legislature ?
This take-over by the California Legislature could do real damage to the UC
we love - and I’m urgently asking for your help, right now, to stop it.
Please click here to sign an online petition at our new website, - and join me in opposing this misguided take-over of UC !

Of course, the University of California, like any other organization,
encounters management mistakes from time to time. But there’s already a
system in place to fix those mistakes. The University of California,
through the Board of Regents, is accountable to the people of California -
and when changes need to be made, changes are made.
In short, this proposed legislative takeover is a solution in search of a
problem - and as Cal alums, we need to speak out and stop it.
Please click here to sign an online petition at our new website, - and join me in opposing this misguided take-over of UC !

Thank you so much for speaking out on this critical issue. The future of
our University is at stake.


Alan Mendelson ’69
Cal Alumni Association

P.S. SCA 21 and ACA 24 are currently in committee, and we need to make sure
they never make it to the floor of the Legislature for a vote. So please
speak out :

Please click here to sign an online petition at our new website, - and join me in opposing this misguided take-over of UC ! :